The early days of September are earmarked for change. Changes in schedules and changes in (depending on your climate) the air. For some, leaves are already leaning into the change while the sun is desperate to retreat lower more swiftly after a marathon summer. Is it exhausted as much as I?
“Living in your season means recognizing that every phase of life has its own unique pace and priorities.”
– Kendra Adachi*
Oh, and then…September brings with it jarring alarm clocks for some. I am in no hurry for summer to end, but at the same time, I love the slow transition between August and September. It is unlike March into April which roars in with longer days as the flowers pique their interest in the sun as they start their ascent.
No, September is more of a creeping month which takes longer. The September sky isn’t known like the October one. Nor is the month known for its sunless days like January. September is what? I am still thinking about that one. Is it the longing for August and the desire to hold onto summer? Is that what makes September hard to grab hold of?
September is on its own time I guess. Soon enough there will be apples coming out in our kitchens in all forms followed by squash and pumpkin. We might blink and the parade of Halloween will be over and the glorious smell of turkey will be the next seasonal change. The leaves all fallen, and the night silent and growing darker by the day.
For now, while it is still a hoax of an endless summer for a few more days, I will cherish the new visitor-a-day that uses our garden as a stopover refueling zone. This Northern Parula (pictured at the top) no doubt took a few minutes of my day away. I was glued to the window watching its every move. Its sporadic and wild flying with determined tenacity was hard to take my gaze off of. It was like it was telling me: “Enjoy looking at me now, and the quiet time you have…because pretty soon you’re going to be flying around like crazy going from one wild appointment to another just like I am. I have a long journey ahead.” And so do I.
While most migratory birds have just begun their journey, that moment was a reminder that September has plenty going for it, I just have to find that time, in that season. And I should probably go back to wearing my alarm clock on my wrist. I took off my watch after it woke me at 4 for my 8:30 am flight to vacation. I haven’t worn it in two weeks. My eyes don’t wake themselves. What time does school start again??
*Kendra Adachi is a two-time New York Times bestselling author and the creator of The Lazy Genius podcast. As a systems expert and professional permission giver, Kendra helps others stop doing it all for the sake of doing what matters. Find out more here:,